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Garbage cans and garages are two things with next to no expectation for pleasant smells, but that doesn’t mean they have to smell like oils and trash at all times. While your garage and trash cans aren’t winning awards for best-smelling parts of the house anytime soon, when the doors start drifting into your house and taking over your property, you know it’s a problem that must be tackled. In some significantly worse cases, it may be difficult to figure out where the smell is coming from and how to get it out of your garage or trash can. So how do you eliminate odors from your garage and garbage? Check out these tips to help you get rid of the bad smell from your trash and storage.

Baking Soda

A pro hack to eliminating garage and garbage odors is to use baking soda. You can sprinkle a baking soda mix to the bottom of your trash can, spray it in the corners of your garage, or add the dry form to your trash content. The chemical content in the baking soda absorbs the odors and clears the smell in your garbage or garage. You can also use baking soda to scrub your trash can by adding it to your cleaning solution or pour a cup of baking soda into the bottom of the trash can when it is dry.


Another essential chemical to get rid of bad odors from your garage and garbage is bleach. Bleach is a very strong disinfectant that kills germs and overpowers bad smells. However, you have to be careful when using bleach to clear bad odor from your garage or garbage. The chemical content in bleach can cause your garage walls to rust and damage and can affect the garbage can similarly. To avoid the fumes from the bleach overpowering your senses, you can dilute the bleach content with about two gallons of water per ¼ cup of bleach. The effect will still be strong and you won’t have to deal with intense fumes.

Dryer Sheets

Moisture is one of the main causes of odors in your trash, and to deal with this problem you can use dryer sheets. Whether used or fresh, dryer sheets are a great way to absorb wetness that may cause odors to emit from your garbage or garage. It is best to place dryer sheets after cleaning and drying your trash for them to work effectively.

Clear out old stuff in your garage

It is important to remember that mold can build in clutters inside your garage, which is why it is important to clear out your garage to avoid unpleasant odors. Be sure to clean spills immediately they occur and always wipe down equipment used in fixing your car or household items after use.

With Beauty Bins, you can expect a qualified cleaning professional to show up at your curb at your desired time. Once they get there, they will clean your garbage can using our 360° spray arm with 200-degree water. Using our high-pressure spray system, we ensure that every crevice will be fully disinfected. Once we’ve finished rinsing the can down, we will spray a deodorizer for an added touch of cleanliness. After that, we will place your garbage can wherever you desire. Having a clean neighborhood doesn’t have to be difficult. We offer all types of Key West trash can cleaning, Key West bin cleaning, Key West trash can cleaning, Key West trash can cleaning services, all with our Key West garbage can cleaning trucks. Contact the professionals at Beauty Bins today to see what we can do for your neighborhood

Asides from pesky animals that go roaming in your trash, the wind is the biggest enemy for your trash cans. From blowing pieces of your trash all over the curb to upending the trash can completely, the wind can be quite difficult to fight if it keeps blowing your trash can away. While you can secure the cover of your trash can to prevent the contents from flying with the wind, the best way to keep the entire can from blowing away is to secure it. How can you secure your trash cans and avoid them blowing away?
Let’s find out!

Get a sturdier trash can

You can get a sturdy trash can with enough weight to withstand the great intensity of the wind. With the trash can’s weight acting as a resistance against the wind, you can effectively prevent the trash can from getting blown away. However, this is not a method that is feasible for everyone as trash cans of such weight may be expensive or a hassle to place at the residence. But don’t worry, check out these other ways to keep your trash can from blowing away.

Create a base

A great way to prevent your trash can from blowing away is by securing its base. You can do this by drilling or gluing a weighted metal or wood platform to the bottom of your trash can, but you have to be cautious so that the weight of the trash can doesn’t become too difficult for the garbage disposal company to clear out your trash. Alternatively, you can create an external base like an enclosure to surround your trash can on all sides. The enclosure can be wooden or concrete and it serves the purpose of wind resistance for your trash can. Ideally, the external enclosure should be a few inches high to ensure that the wind can’t pick up your trash can and throw it out on your curb.

Secure the trash can outside your garage

You can secure your trash can to your garage with a bungee cord or something equally sturdy. The cord or chain can be linked around the base or cover of your trash can and secured to the outside of your garage. That way, when the garbage disposal company arrives, they only have to detach the trash can and reattach it after clearing the trash. You don’t have to worry about the wind blowing your trash can away since the weight of your garage structure will undoubtedly serve as enough resistance for the trash can.

Install a post/pole

Alternative to securing your trash can to your garage, you can install a small concrete or wooden pole or post close to your trash can. Tie a sturdy rope or cord from your trash can to the installation and effectively keep your trash can from blowing away.
With our service, you can expect one of our expert cleaners to come to your curb and wash your bin with 200-degree water using our 360° spray heads, which will ensure to kill any bacteria that might have found its way into your bin. After every crevice has been thoroughly rinsed, we will spray your bin with a deodorizer to fully get rid of any lingering odors. After that, we will place the bin in your desired location. Beauty Bins has state-of-the-art Key West garbage can cleaning trucks for the best Key West trash can cleaning service imaginable. We specialize in Key West trash can cleaning, Key West bin cleaning, Key West garbage can cleaning services, Key West garbage can cleaning service, and all things Key West bin cleaning. Call Beauty Bins today or check out our website here to learn more.

Outdoor Trash Bins - Creative Ways to Hide Them

Looking for Key West garbage bin cleaning services? We can help. Trash bins can be unsightly and take away from the beauty of your home or backyard. But don't worry; there are many creative ways to hide your outdoor trash bins, so they don't become an eyesore. You can use plants, fences, rocks, or even build a special enclosure just for your trash cans!

Why Hide Your Outdoor Garbage Bins?

There are many reasons why you might want to hide your outdoor trash bins. One reason is that they can be unsightly and take away from the beauty of your home or backyard.

Another reason is that they can be smelly and attract flies or other pests. By hiding your trash bins, you can keep your yard looking neat and clean, and you won't have to deal with any of the negative aspects of having them out in the open.

Outdoor Trash Bins and Rodents

One of the biggest problems with having outdoor trash bins is that they can attract rodents. If you have a lot of rodents in your area, it's important to take steps to keep them away from your trash cans.

One way to do this is to place your trash cans away from your house or other buildings. You can also use a fence or other barrier to keep the rodents away.

Another way to protect your trash cans is to use a lid or cover for them. This will help keep the rodents from getting into the garbage, and it will also help keep the smell down.

Use Landscaping

There are many different ways to hide your outdoor trash bins, and one of the most popular methods is to use plants or rocks. Plants are a great way to disguise your trash cans because they can add beauty and color to your yard.

There are many different types of plants that can be used for this purpose, so you can choose the ones that best match your landscaping style.

Rocks are another popular way to hide trash cans. They can be used to create a rock garden or waterfall, or you can use them to build a special enclosure for your trash cans. This is a great way to add some extra privacy and security to your yard.

Alternative Ways of Storing Garbage

If you're looking for an alternative to using outdoor trash bins, there are a few different options that you might want to consider.

One option is to use a compost bin. A compost bin is a great way to recycle your food scraps and other organic materials. You can use the compost to fertilize your plants or garden, and it's a great way to reduce your waste.

You can also use a bag system for your trash cans. This is a great option if you don't have a lot of space for a garbage can. All you need is a large bag that can be attached to your trash can. This will help keep your trash bin clean and organized, and it will also hide the actual bin from view.

Beauty Bins: Key West Garbage Bin Cleaning Services

Try your own methods and be creative. If you use your imagination, there are multiple ways to use landscaping, fencing, and other natural elements to keep away rodents while integrating your best landscaping elements. Beauty Bins is the best place to go for all your Key West garbage bin cleaning service needs. Whether you are looking for Key West trash can cleaning, Key West bin cleaning, Key West garbage can cleaning, we do it all. It starts with our unique Key West garbage can cleaning trucks to ensure you get the best service imaginable. Beauty Bins can help you get started today. Learn more about our process here, or find our full list of residential services and plans here.

To learn more about keeping your garbage bin clean, check out these articles below:

Resource 1 | Resource 2 | Resource 3

Cleaning You Garbage Cans: The Benefits

Have you heard of Key West trash bin cleaning services? It’s important to clean out your trash bins from time to time in order to keep your family safe and healthy. One of the most common diseases spread through a dirty household is Hepatitis A.

This can be transmitted if a person comes into contact with fecal matter or objects that have come into contact with fecal matter. It's important to monitor the sanitation in your home as this will affect your health and the health of those around you.

In order to prevent infection in your home and around those you love, read on for some helpful cleaning tips.

Since every household is different, cleaning needs won't be the same for every home. However, using the tips in this article can be a great starting point for any homeowner.

How Do Garbage Bins Spread Infection?

One of the ways that your garbage bins can spread infection is by attracting flies. When these flies land on the garbage, they can spread the infection to other areas.

Additionally, if you don't clean your garbage bins regularly, then the bacteria and waste inside start to smell. This smell can attract even more flies, which spreads the infection even further.

Leftover Food

When you don't clean your garbage bins regularly, the leftover food inside can start to rot. This rotting food will create a perfect environment for bacteria to grow and thrive.

As this bacterium multiplies, it will release a nauseating smell that can be difficult to get rid of. Not only is this smelly bacterium hazardous to your health, but it can also attract pests like maggots and rats.

All of these dangerous items that manifest as a result of dirty trash bins can cause some nasty types of bacteria and infections.

Types of Bacteria and Infections In Your Garbage Bins

There are a number of different types of infections and bacteria that can be found inside your garbage bin. Some of the most common ones include E. coli, Salmonella, and Hepatitis A. It's important to be aware of the dangers that these bacteria pose to your health and take the necessary precautions to avoid them.

One of the best ways to protect yourself from these bacteria is by cleaning your garbage bins regularly. This will help to get rid of any bacteria or waste that may be present inside of it. You should also wear gloves and a mask when cleaning your garbage bins, as this will help protect you from exposure

Cleaning Your Garbage Bins

Follow these incredibly easy steps to clean your garbage bins in less than 10 minutes.

  • Dispose of any trash that is inside your garbage bins.
  • Rinse out your garbage bins with water.
  • Apply a cleaning solution to the inside of your garbage bins.
  • Use a scrub brush to scrub
  • Rinse the bins one more time and allow them to dry
  • You may sprinkle a small amount of baking soda and place a dryer sheet on the bottom. This keeps your bin fresher for longer.

The Benefits of Using a Key West Trash Bin Cleaning Service

The benefits of cleaning your garbage bins are many. Not only will it help to protect you from harmful bacteria and infections, but it will also help to keep your home clean and sanitary. Additionally, cleaning your garbage bins can also help reduce the amount of trash that you produce.

Cleaning your garbage bins is a simple way to keep your family safe and healthy. By following the tips in this article, you can be sure to keep your home clean and sanitary all year round. Beauty Bins leads the way when it comes to Key West trash bin cleaning services. We specialize in Key West bin cleaning, Key West trash can cleaning, Key West garbage bin cleaning services, and more. We use state-of-the-art Key West garbage can cleaning trucks for the best service imaginable. Want to learn more about how our process works? Click here for more information. Find the rest of our residential services here to get started.

To learn more about keeping your garbage bin clean, check out these articles below:

Resource 1 | Resource 2 | Resource 3

It is important to keep your bins clean, so hire a Key West trash can cleaning service like us. Emptying your trash bin is good practice and helps keep the area around the bin neat and free from odors associated with garbage. This will keep things clean for a short period, but more intensive cleaning should happen periodically to avoid bacteria growth and contact with other germs.

One of the best ways to eliminate all bacteria, germs, and odor-causing elements is to clean your trash bin with bleach. Bleach destroys nearly all harmful microorganisms on contact, as well as potentially harmful elements that cause illness. In this article, we’ll provide you with the best tips for cleaning your trash bin with bleach.

Bleach Is Your Best Option

Bleach is your best option for the most efficient cleaning product for several reasons. Using bleach is a great way to disinfect your trash bin, eliminating any harmful germs or micro-organisms.

Additionally, bleach is great for eliminating and preventing foul smells, as well as stains that develop on the surface of your garbage bins. However, it’s important to use the proper cleaning procedures to ensure bleach doesn’t damage your clothes. Use the following steps to guide you when cleaning your wastebaskets.

Step by Step Cleaning

Use the following steps to ensure the most efficient cleaning and disinfecting for your garbage bins.

1. Empty

Make sure all of your garbage bins are empty of any liners and loose objects. Turn them upside down and give them a tap to ensure they’re empty. For heavily soiled bins, you might need to use a steady stream of water to rinse anything from the interior surfaces.

2. Fill and Pre-Rinse

Once you’re certain the bins are empty, fill them about halfway with water. This will pre-rinse the surfaces, removing any additional items and priming the surface for scrubbing. Move the water around a bit inside the bins, and dump out the majority. You can leave the bottom of the bin covered with a small amount of water

3. Spray and Scrub

Spray the inside of the bins with bleach from a spray bottle. Use a hard-bristled scrub brush or coarse sponge to scrub the interior surface. You might have to use some elbow grease to get anything that might be stuck to bins. This is especially true if anything has left stains behind. After you’ve thoroughly scrubbed the interior, you can begin on the rim of the bins and the exterior surfaces

4. Rinse

After you’re satisfied with the cleaning and removal of any stains, you can begin rinsing any additional bleach by spraying the entire bin, inside and out. Make sure you remove all traces of bleach, which might take several rinses. After you’ve properly rinsed the entire bin, turn it upside down and allow it to air dry for about 15 minutes.

5. Wipe Dry

You can wipe the interior and exterior of the bins with a dry paper towel or cloth to remove any small, leftover traces of dirt or residue. This will also complete the drying process. Once you’re done, you may use a small amount of baking soda or a couple of dryer sheets to deodorize and freshen up the interior of the bins.

Beauty Bins: Key West Trash Can Cleaning

Trash bins can be a breeding ground for bacteria and germs. However, by performing a normal routine of deep cleaning, you can avoid these harmful elements. As a general rule, cleaning with bleach once a week will keep bins fresh and clean. If you need a Key West bin cleaning service, give Beauty Bins a call to get rid of those smelly trash cans and wash them as good as new. We have Key West garbage can cleaning trucks for the best possible Key West garbage can cleaning service. We offer all types of cleaning for Key West bin cleaning - find our pricing here or check out our process to learn more.

To learn more about keeping your garbage bin clean, check out these articles below:

Resource 1 | Resource 2 | Resource 3

Ever heard of Key West garbage bin cleaning services? Depending on what room your garbage bin is located in, dealing with foul smells can be an issue no matter how often you empty or clean them. This is especially true of garbage bins in areas like the kitchen, where discarded food products tend to produce unpleasant, lingering scents.

You can’t stop certain products from producing scents, but you can take measures to make your garbage bin smell better. These are the best ways to prevent unpleasant smells from emanating from your wastebaskets.

Preventing Foul Smelling Garbage Bins

There is more than one way to make your garbage bin smell better. Use the following methods to avoid these smells from becoming an issue in and around your home or office.

1. Baking Soda

Use a small-sized coffee filter and fill it with baking soda, tying it off and securing it with a rubber band. Place it at the bottom of your garbage bin and replace it monthly. These baking soda fresheners will deodorize, absorb, and neutralize unpleasant smells coming from your wastebaskets.

2. Dryer Sheets

Dryer sheets are a great option for masking unsavory smells coming from inside your trash bins. Place two of these sheets at the bottom of the garbage can, and they’ll neutralize most foul odors before they become an issue. Additionally, dryer sheets are great for soaking up any liquid that might be lingering at the bottom of your trash bins.

3. Coffee Grounds

You probably didn’t think coffee grounds would be on a list of items to eliminate odors. However, using these leftovers can be a great way to freshen up your garbage bins. Allow your old coffee grounds to dry, then sprinkle them on the bottom of your trash can or on top of any waste inside of a kitchen wastebasket. Discarded coffee grounds can also be a great way to repel insects.

4. Citrus Peels

Orange and other citrus zest can be one of the best non-toxic and all-natural odor eliminators you’ll ever use. Slice off thin pieces of orange, lemon, and lime peels and place them on the floor of your garbage bin. Any remaining rinds or parts of the fruits are great for placing in your garbage disposal for cleaning the blades and grinder.

5. Cat Litter

Cat litter can be placed at the base of your trash can for odor elimination. Litter keeps humidity levels down, which ends up preventing unpleasant scents for up to a week. Once the littler begins to clump, discard and replace with a fresh batch.

These are only a handful of the products and methods available for preventing odors and freshening up your garbage bins. Regardless of the specific method you use, taking steps to keep unpleasant odors at bay is crucial for your home or office environment.

Hire Us for Your Key West Garbage Bin Cleaning Services

As a final tip, you should stay mindful when it comes to any food items lingering in your garbage bins. When these items are allowed to remain in trash cans for any substantial period, it’s only a matter of time before unpleasant odors follow. Remember this practice with a mixture of any of the tips mentioned above, and your odds of having a pleasant smelling home are much higher! Beauty Bins has state-of-the-art Key West garbage can cleaning trucks to provide the best Key West garbage can cleaning service imaginable. Beauty Bins can handle all types of Key West bin cleaning situations,both residential and commercial. Contact us today on our website or check out our pricing here to get started.

Check out these articles below to learn more about keeping your bins odor-free:

Resource 1 | Resource 2 | Resource 3

If your trash smells, you can hire a Key West trash can cleaning service. Trash can smell, but there are ways to help cut down on the stink when it’s not time to take the garbage out yet. Here are 5 handy tips offered by Key West premiere garbage bin cleaning services.

Avoid Strong Offenders

Some things just smell worse when they begin to rot, like fish, meat, fresh fruits and vegetables, and dairy products. If you don’t compost, these things can really get in the way of a fresh-smelling home.

When you have an item like the ones listed ready to go in the trash bin, instead put them in their own bag, like a small grocery bag if you save them. Then take it to the garbage can as soon as possible. This will keep the smell from festering in your home.

Baking Soda

Throwing things away in bags is not always convenient or feasible for people. If that’s you, there are other options for cutting orders. Baking soda is great for a wide variety of purposes. It’s great to put it in your refrigerator to keep it smelling fresh as well, it helps clean clothes, and it’s an excellent livener for baked goods.

Adding to the list of baking soda uses is smell reduction in your garbage can. Sprinkle a bit at the bottom of your bin before you reline it (or between bags if it’s your outdoor can that stinks.)

Lemon Peel

You may use lemons just for the juice and rarely for the peel. Before juicing your next lemon, consider separating the peel first, and using the rinds as a fresher.

The peel will dry, and the smell will wear off, but the lemon peel won’t add any stink to your can. Discard the dry pieces after they’re no longer useful.

Cat Litter

Cat litter can function similarly to baking soda in this case. If you use a nice cat litter, they smell nice, and they are designed to absorb the worst of ammonia smells. That means it’ll do a great job cutting trash smell in a pinch.

Cleaning Your Garbage Bin

Sometimes, your problems run deeper than the things you're putting in the garbage can. Your garbage can may need a thorough cleaning to get rid of the rotten smell that’s collected in the basin if you really want it to smell fresh again. Getting in contact with a cleaning or service (like us!) or doing the dirty work yourself can make all the difference.

Hire a Key West Garbage Can Cleaning Service Like Us!

Let us know if any of these strategies help with your trash can, or if you have another solution that works great in your home. These solutions also work great for your outdoor trash can, though sticking to non-decomposable options will be better when the weather is hot. When it comes to Key West garbage can cleanings services, Beauty Bins is above the rest. We have state of the art Key West garbage can cleaning trucks and offer Key West bin cleaning, Key West trash bin cleanings services, and more. When you are looking for cleaning services near you or maid services in Key West, be sure to look for Beauty Bins to take care of your Key West garbage can cleaning. Check out our residential pricing as well as how our process works to see how we can help.

Check out these resources to learn more about keeping your trash smelling better:
Resource 1 | Resource 2 | Resource 3

Have you heard of Key West bin cleaning services?We’ve all had a moment where we stepped into the kitchen, to feel a strange itching in our noses. You look left then right, and think what is that smell? Or perhaps you’re walking to your car past a closed gate, and you’re slapped in the face by something foul-smelling and sour.

Again, you cry out to no one but yourself or a friend, what is that smell?

That smell is garbage.

Garbage smell is actually completely natural, but admittedly the scent is not very pleasant. In this article by Key West’s Beauty Bins trash bin cleaning service, we’ll explain why garbage smells the way it does.

Understanding the Science Behind Garbage Smell

In the most basic terms, garbage smells because the organic materials (like food scraps) are in the process of decomposition as they lay in your garbage can. If left for too long, this will produce a smell that most people find off-putting.

Explaining in Depth…
Now the short answer is all well and good, but there are actually several processes happening in your trash. They depend on the kind of foods you throw away, but all of them can contribute to an overly smelly trash can.

Rotting fresh food can no longer support its own cell structure, this is why your fruits and vegetables eventually become soft and brown as they grow older. Or why meat turns brown and squishy. Rot encourages microorganisms to fester around and feast on the trash to break it down into nutrients for the soil again.

These microorganisms, like bacteria, will eat and produce the smelly gases you notice when you walk by the trash bin. These include sulfur gases, acidic compounds that smell sour, methanethiol, and the pesky rotting meat smell you can blame on putrescine and cadaverine.

When mixed with water, these smells can get worse. This is because the liquid content in your trash encourages the fermentation process. If you’ve ever tried to brew beer or wine at home or have been to a brewery, you know that the early stages of fermentation don’t smell very good. This water will also attract mildews and molds to come to do their clean-up services for the decaying matter.

However beneficial that mold and bacteria are for cleaning up rotting matter, they are often harmful to human health and respiratory systems. So, you want to avoid growing them in your home.

Your Nose Knows

While you now have all your garbage smell questions answered, it doesn’t solve the garbage smell problem. Taking out your garbage regularly can help cut the issues, but sometimes it isn’t just the trash that stinks. If you have a garbage bin, it may also reek from being exposed to the bacteria and mold that produce the noxious odors.

Hire Us For Your Key West Bin Cleaning

If you’re looking to banish these terrible scents from your trash can, consider a Key West trash bin cleaning company like Beauty Bins. We offer Key West trash can cleaning, Key West garbage can cleaning trucks, Key West bin cleaning, and much more. When you are looking for Key West maid services or Key West home cleaning services, consider looking into Beauty Bins for the best Key West bin cleaning. You can find our residential cleaning services here, or check out how to get in touch with us today to get started

To learn more about keeping your garbage bin cleans, check out these articles:
Resource 1 | Resource 2 | Resource 3

Have you heard of Key West garbage can cleaning services? Most of us take our trash out without giving another thought to the unhealthy bacteria and germs that could be lingering on the surface of the bin and bags. These different types of bacteria and germs can lead to illness throughout your home or workplace.

The truth is all of the foul smells that come from your garbage bin are caused by the hundreds of different living organisms that call the area home. If you understood the truth about the amount of these harmful germs in the bin, the answer could disturb you.

Bacteria Growth

It’s important that you clean the interior and exterior surfaces of your garbage bin regularly. We recommend it at least once per month.

The reason for this is that bacteria multiply at an incredibly fast rate. These organisms double at a rate of every four to 20 minutes!

Types of Bacteria that Live in the Garbage Bin

There are literally hundreds, even thousands, of types of bacteria that live in your garbage bin. However, there are several that are infamous for causing serious conditions if they make their way into the human body.

  • Salmonella. This is most commonly found in pieces of raw chicken. This can be contracted by eating undercooked chicken, but it’s also a common bacteria found in garbage bins. Ingesting these bacteria can leave you violently ill, causing stomach cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Listeria. This causes food poisoning known as listeriosis. Listeriosis is one of the most dangerous types of foodborne illnesses. An infection of this type causes convulsions, muscle aches, stiff neck, and confusion. Listeria is known to be present in the soil, water, beef, and chicken.
  • E. Coli. Most types of E. coli are harmless and actually reside within the human intestines. However, the harmful versions can lead to stomach issues that are resolved by drinking plenty of fluids. However, a particularly nasty version of E. coli can lead to hemolytic uremic syndrome, which can cause kidney failure and death.
  • Rhinoviruses. Rhinoviruses, also known as the common cold, reside in our garbage bins, as well. Once these organisms are absorbed through the nose or mouth, they instantly infect the sinuses and lead to the symptoms of the common cold. Make sure you discard any tissues or supplies used by anyone with a cold.

It’s easy to avoid passing these bacteria on to anyone in your home or ingesting them yourself with a few good cleaning habits.

  • Make sure you clean out the inside and outside of your garbage bin monthly. This should be a thorough cleaning.
  • If you notice any spillage or other debris inside or on the edges of the garbage bin, wipe them immediately with a disinfectant spray.
  • Don’t leave garbage bins in the home for too long that contain napkins or tissues that someone with a cold has used.
  • Don’t leave food in the garbage bin for extended periods.

Hire a Key West Garbage Can Cleaning Service

It’s true that hundreds of bacteria call our bathrooms and kitchen home. However, with a few easy steps and some attention to detail, we can combat these organisms and keep ourselves and our families healthy. When it comes to Key West bin cleaning and Key West garbage can cleaning, Beauty Bins does it all. Whether it is Key West bin cleaning, Key West trash can cleaning, or using our custom Key West garbage can cleaning trucks, Beauty Bins has all your Key West trash bin cleaning service needs. Call us today or contact us through our website. You can also check out how our process works here to see for yourself.

If you have dirty trash bins, it might be time to hire a Key West bin cleaning service. We all go through the process of switching out the garbage bag or lining of our wastebaskets. This is a sanitary practice that most of us learn as young children.

However, do you ever stop and think how dirty the trash can become underneath the lining or bag? Where do you think all of the bacteria from the liner goes?

Most people neglect to clean the actual trash bin when they take the bag out to the dumpster. Failing to wipe out the interior surface and cleaning the exterior of the trash bin can lead to substantial levels of bacteria and other germs.

These hefty levels of bacteria can result in sickness being spread around the area where the trash bin is. This is easily preventable by using a regular routine for cleaning the trash bin.

Presence of Germs

Germs are kind of like the wind. Just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they are there. Rest assured in any area where waste has been stored, germs reside in heavy numbers.

The trash bin interior is one of the dirtiest places in your home. Did you know that leaving small particles of food and other debris can also cause bug infestations?

Bugging Out

Most bugs and insects are attracted to leftover food. Ants are especially known to go after particles of sugar and other tiny leftover pieces of food. However, sweets are especially attractive for insects.

Cockroaches are no strangers to leftover food either. Our least favorite will make a meal out of crumbs in the bottom of your trash bin as well – mice love tiny pieces of bread and other foods.

Make It a Habit

Your trash bin should be cleaned thoroughly once a month. This is assuming you use a bag or trash bin liner to throw your garbage in.

Some people refuse to use garbage bags altogether because they consider them wasteful. There’s nothing wrong with this – just know that you should clean your trash bin daily if you practice this method.

Best Cleaning Practices

Follow these steps to make sure your trash bin is cleaned thoroughly.

  • Make sure the trash bin is completely empty. Wear gloves and a mask.
  • Rinse the bin out with a steady stream of water. If you use a hose, the pressure will knock off any lingering particles.
  • Use Lysol to disinfect the interior and exterior of the trash bin. This is the most important part, as this will kill all of the germs and bacteria on the surfaces.
  • Use a deodorizer to spray the interior and exterior as well. You can also optionally sprinkle the bottom surface of the trash bin with baking soda. This will keep it fresher for a longer period.
  • After letting it sit for five minutes, scrub with a hard-bristled brush. This will remove any stains or small debris from the bin.
  • Rinse the bin thoroughly. Make sure all of the dirty water drains from the bin. You can let it air dry, but if you need immediate use, wipe it completely dry with a towel. It’s important to let the bin dry before you place a new bag inside.

Additionally, if you use any type of cart to wheel your trash bags to the street or dumpster, this should be cleaned as well. The same germs and bacteria will transfer to these surfaces as well. When it comes to Key West bin cleaning, Beauty Bins are the experts. Whether you have one trash can at your home or an entire business with dozens of cans to clean, Beauty Bins can handle anything with their state-of-the-art Key West garbage can cleaning trucks. If you need Key West garbage can cleaning, Key West garbage can cleaning services, Key West trash bin cleaning, we can help. You can learn more about how our process works here or contact us through our website to learn how you can get started and get your bins cleaned.