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Let’s face it, your trash bin becoming dirty is quite unavoidable. It swallows up dirt daily and this makes it a welcoming hub for flies, other insects, and piles upon piles of bacteria. All these can be really damaging to your health and to your home’s appeal. So how can you prevent some of these possible occurrences? Primarily, by doing intensive cleaning. However, that isn’t feasible because, sometimes, your bin might look just clean enough to have you convinced. What you actually need is to know how dirty your trash bins are, but you don’t have to figure it out on your own. Here are some things that help you know how dirty your bin is, and help you clean up as needed:

Presence of strong odors

Strong odors are a common and glaring sign that a bin is dirty. With a dirty bin, you are at risk of breeding strong smells that can largely affect your health and gradually decrease the appeal of your home. Bad odors also attract insects to the site generating the smell and that can cause a mess. Tossing scraps from food or peelings into the bin can generate unpleasant and extremely strong odors.  So if you notice a distinct odor coming from your bin, it just might be time for a proper intensive bin cleaning.

Regular insect calls

Most insects are commonly attracted to dirty tools, areas, and surfaces. Receiving regular calls from ants, flies, and in some scenarios, rodents, are direct indications that your bin is dirty and needs to be cleaned. Insects and rodents are not just an indication but also a threat to your health as they can transport germs from the bin while hovering around your home. Once you discover this, it is advisable to start your bin clean-up right away.

Change in air quality 

When your bin starts oozing, the odor no doubt leaks into the atmosphere of your home. An unpleasant change in air quality can cause exposure to constant headaches, and intense asthma, and if not properly evaluated, can lead to other severe health conditions. Breathing polluted air causes a lot of harm in the long run and this is one of the reasons why a bin cleanup is usually recommended.

How do you get your bin cleanup done?

Cleaning your bin requires simple and user-friendly steps. For a typical bin cleaning, you will need detergent, water, gloves, a mask, disinfectant, and a brush. And here’s how to go about it:

  • Rinse out your bin
  • Scrub the inside and outside with detergent and water
  • Apply anti-bacterial disinfectant and leave for 15 minutes 
  • Rinse out disinfectant 
  • Perform a light wash with detergent again
  • Rinse out and dry 
  • And you’re done!
Cleaning your bin may not be an enjoyable activity but it has to be done to help you avoid consequences. Not sure you’re up for it? No worries, contact us for a professional Key West bin cleaning service and get a perfectly cleaned and sanitary bin. Beauty Bins is the premier Key West bin cleaning service and Key West garbage can cleaning service. We have state-of-the-art Key West garbage can cleaning trucks to provide you with the highest quality Key West trash bin cleaning service. You can find out more about our process on this page, or check out our residential pricing and plans here to get started.